Poster Sessions
Please print out and bring your own poster for presentation. There is no template to follow, but the poster size should be NOT bigger than 4 feet width * 3 feet height (1.21 m width * 0.91 m height) in a horizontal view. All poster presenters need to be registered for the conference.
Tuesday, February 27 @ 11-12 PM
Presenters, please note: You are responsible for taking down your posters at the end of the session to prepare for the following poster session.
- Debbie Indah – South Carolina State University: Sustainable Freight Through Topological Data Analysis: Optimizing Freight Routes for Environmental Impact
- Deepak Benny – Purdue University: Electric Vehicle (EV) Fee Structures: Best Practices, Alternatives, and Case Study Evaluation
- Raffi Der Wartanian – Leonard Transportation Center, California State University, San Bernardino: Moving Towards the Electrification of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles in the Inland Empire
- Siwei Hu – University of California, Irvine: A Smart Mobility Platform with Equitable Peer-to-Peer Congestion Pricing and Its Policy and Equity Implications
- Yejia Liao – University of California, Riverside: Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Freight Transportation in Inland Southern California: An Integrated Activity-based Simulation Approach
- Younghun Bahk – University of California, Irvine: Household Activity Pattern Problem with Automated Vehicle-enabled Intermodal Trips
- Abhilasha Saroj – University of California, Irvine: A Comparative Workflow for Consistent Microscopic Simulation Scenario Development
- Dongbo Peng – University of California, Riverside: Robust Battery Electric Truck Dispatching Problem with Backhauls and Time Windows under Travel Time Uncertainty
- Dylan Ando – University of California, Irvine: Exploring the Equity Implications of Replacing Bus Routes with Microtransit Service Zones Under DART Zoom
- Eric Osei – South Carolina State University: Human and Animal Detection in Electric and Autonomous Vehicles Using Quantum Computing and Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
- Fengxiang Qiao – Texas Southern University: Investigating the Implication of Congestion Pricing Strategies on Mobile-Sourced Ground-level Ozone Precursor
- Guoliang Feng – University of California, Irvine: Potential for electrifying drayage trucks in Southern California from observed behaviors
- Hannah Musau – South Carolina State University: Analyzing The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Factors Affecting School Travel Mode Choice in the United States
- Jacqueline Garrido – Massachusetts Institute of Technology: An Intelligently Controlled Charging Model for Battery Electric Trucks in Drayage Operations
- Pengfei Fan – Beijing Jiaotong University: Which factor contributes more to the fuel consumption gap between in-laboratory vs. real-world driving conditions? An independent component analysis
- Huiying (Fizzy) Fan – Georgia Institute of Technology: Evaluating Carpool Potential for Home-to-Work SOV Commuters Using a Scalable and Practical Simulation Framework
- Huiying (Fizzy) Fan – Georgia Institute of Technology: Using Multi-Modal Path-Specific Transit Trips in Transit Energy Use and Social Sustainability Analysis: Case Study in Atlanta, GA
Tuesday, February 27 @ 12:15-1:15 PM
Presenters, please note: You are responsible for taking down your posters at the end of the session.
- Andres Chavez – Caltrans: Comparative Analysis of V2X Communication Latency: 4G LTE vs. 5.9GHz
- Kenny Wijaya – Purdue University: Unveiling Disparities in Objective and Subjective Perspectives on Public Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles Among Experienced and Inexperienced Users
- Luis Fernando Enriquez-Contreras – University of California, Riverside: CO2 and Cost Impacts of a Microgrid with Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: a Case Study in Southern California
- Marcella Kaplan – Virginia Tech A Literature: Synthesis of Emerging Last-Mile Delivery Technologies and their Applications to Rural Areas: Drones, Autonomous Delivery Vehicles, and Truck-Drones
- Mariano Rubio – University of Southern California: Hydrogen Engine Combustion Enhancements Using Pulsed Transient Plasma for Reduced NOx Emissions and Improved Performance
- Paul Omulokoli – South Carolina State University: Optimal location of electric vehicle charging infrastructure using location-allocation models with socio-economic considerations
- Pengyuan Sun – Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine: An Eco-driving Algorithm with Two-Stage Advisory Speed Limits at Signalized Intersections
- Sajid Bin Hasnat – Department of Economics and Finance, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University: Investigating the differential effectiveness of incentives that can be offered to accelerate LDEV adoption
- Saswat Priyadarshi Nayak – University of California, Riverside: Feasibility Studies on CAV Applications under State Uncertainty: A survey
- Tumlumbe Juliana Chengula – South Carolina State University: Examination of Urban Micromobility Dynamics: A Geospatial Analysis of Scooter Crash Hotspots and Temporal Patterns
- Uriah Campos – Equity Analysis of Shared E-Scooter System
- Debbie Indah – South Carolina State University: An Investigation of Location-based Factors Influencing Electric Vehicles (EV) Charging Behaviors
- Deepak Benny – Purdue University: Highway revenue impacts associated with various degrees of EV and AV market penetration
- Raffi Der Wartanian – Leonard Transportation Center, California State University, San Bernardino: Navigating San Bernardino County: Deciphering Vehicle Traffic Patterns and Environmental Impacts
- Yejia Liao – University of California, Riverside: State-of-the-Art Review: Truck Driving Behaviors and Interactions, and the Gaps in Current Modeling Tools
- Younghun Bahk – University of California, Irvine: Re-envisioning the Park-and-Ride Concept for the Automated Vehicle (AV) Era with Private-to-Shared AV Transfer Stations
- Siwei Hu – University of California, Irvine: An Integrated Fixed- and Micro-transit Simulation Model Considering Travelers’ Heterogeneity
- Ziye Qin – University of California, Riverside: Energy-efficient Cooperative Vehicle-signal Optimization at Signalized Intersections Using Reinforcement Learning